AWS IoT Core vs Google Cloud IoT Core: Which IoT service is better?

October 19, 2021

AWS IoT Core vs Google Cloud IoT Core: Which IoT service is better?

As the world progresses towards a more connected future, the Internet of Things (IoT) has become an integral part of our lives. With IoT devices becoming more and more prevalent, businesses are looking for ways to effectively manage and process the large amounts of data generated by these devices. To address this need, a number of cloud service providers have introduced IoT-specific offerings, with AWS IoT Core and Google Cloud IoT Core being two of the most popular.

In this blog post, we will compare AWS IoT Core and Google Cloud IoT Core to help you make an informed decision on which service is right for your needs. We will discuss the features, pricing, and performance of both services, with a focus on real-world use cases.


AWS IoT Core and Google Cloud IoT Core both offer a range of features to help you manage your IoT devices and data. Here is a comparison of some of the key features:

AWS IoT Core

  • Device management: AWS IoT Core allows you to easily onboard and manage your IoT devices, with support for a range of industry-standard protocols.
  • Rules Engine: AWS IoT Core has a powerful rules engine, allowing you to process and route data from your devices to other AWS services, such as S3, Lambda, and Kinesis.
  • Security: AWS IoT Core has extensive security features, including device authentication and authorization, secure communication with TLS, and AWS Key Management Service integration.
  • Analytics: AWS IoT Analytics enables you to run advanced analytics on your IoT data, providing insights into device behavior and performance.

Google Cloud IoT Core

  • Device management: Google Cloud IoT Core provides a centralized registry for managing IoT devices, supporting both MQTT and HTTP protocols.
  • Integration with other Google Cloud services: Google Cloud IoT Core integrates with a range of other Google Cloud services, such as BigQuery, Dataflow, and Machine Learning Engine.
  • Scalability: Google Cloud IoT Core can scale up to millions of devices, without sacrificing performance.
  • Security: Google Cloud IoT Core offers end-to-end security, including secure device provisioning, mutual authentication, and encryption.


Pricing is a crucial factor when deciding which IoT service to use, as it can have a significant impact on the cost of running your IoT project. Here is a comparison of the pricing models of AWS IoT Core and Google Cloud IoT Core:

AWS IoT Core

  • Pay-as-you-go: You only pay for what you use, with no upfront costs or minimum fees.
  • Standard charges: $5 per million messages ingested, $1 per million messages delivered, $0.08 per GB of data analyzed by AWS IoT Analytics.

Google Cloud IoT Core

  • Free tier: The free tier includes up to 250 MB of data ingestion per month, 1 million state updates per month, and 3 device registry operations per second.
  • Standard pricing: $0.0045 per MB for data ingestion, $0.0045 per MB for state updates, and $0.10 per device per month for device registry operations beyond the free tier.


When it comes to performance, both AWS IoT Core and Google Cloud IoT Core offer high levels of reliability and scalability. However, there are some differences in terms of the specific performance metrics offered by each service.

AWS IoT Core

  • Scale: AWS IoT Core can scale up to billions of devices and trillions of messages, with low latency and high availability.
  • Rules Engine performance: Can support up to 20,000 messages per second.
  • Device Shadow performance: Can support up to 2,000 device shadows per second.

Google Cloud IoT Core

  • Scale: Google Cloud IoT Core can handle millions of devices with sub-second latency.
  • Data ingestion performance: Up to 1 million messages per second.
  • Device management operations: Up to 4 million operations per second.


As we've seen, both AWS IoT Core and Google Cloud IoT Core offer robust IoT-specific features, flexible pricing models, and powerful performance capabilities. Ultimately, the choice between the two will depend on your specific needs and use case. That said, based on our comparison, we believe that Google Cloud IoT Core is a strong contender due to its scalability and integration with other Google Cloud services.

We hope this comparison has been useful in helping you decide on which IoT service to use. If you have any further questions or would like more information, check out the references section below.


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